Press watch – Rebels MC – Why waltz when you can rock n roll???
An article published in the West Australian on Wednesday 24th August entitled ‘Police home in on Rebels’ describes the return to business of the Rebels motorcycle gang. The article states:
“In March, police…believed the Rebels Perth chapter was crushed after serious drug convictions against senior members…The rebels Malaga clubhouse was closed after [senior members] Raymond James Washer and John Di Lena were arrested.”
“The gang, reputed to have the biggest membership across Australia, has a clubhouse in [Western Australian cities] Busselton and is building one in Medina.”
See Ozbiker for more information on the previous closing down of this gang’s Perth headquarters.
I have been to Malaga in Spain, near my home in Toledo and it is much more beautiful and peaceful than Malaga (pronounced here as Ma-lager and not Mala-ga with short vowels), despite the predominance of drunk Liverpool supporters.
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